Waves Group Successfully Delivers Digital Technology Workshop During LISW 2019

October 15, 2019

Data and Digital Technology are Increasing the Certainty of Outcomes in Marine Incidents

We are pleased to have successfully delivered a well-attended breakfast workshop during London International Shipping Week. The contents of the discussion were based on the role and importance of using data and digital technology in the maritime sector to properly evaluate and assess marine incidents. The discussions focused on the present state and future potential of digital evidence and how digital data can be used to supplement and improve traditional methods used in marine incident investigations.

Delegates were taken on a journey through the current state of digital evidence, examining the use of systems such as ECDIS, AIS tracking and VDR – and how data taken from these sources can be used to produce valuable information within the early stages of an incident using our CASPAR system. Emphasis was also placed on the future of digital technology using high-resolution 3D surveys.  A demonstration of our 3D data acquisition capability using 3D point-cloud data was shown by viewing a life-size shipwreck in virtual reality.

Data and digital technology are playing an important role in the assessment of marine casualties and or incidents and is even more pivotal in hard to reach environments, especially in salvage and wreck removal cases. Waves Group’s maritime digitalisation suite of services offers effective analysis of incidents which enables you to make more informed decisions.

The ability to turn datasets into high-resolution 3D visualisations of incidents can increase certainty on risk reduction – speeding up the decision-making process.

To learn more about our digital capabilities and expertise or to request a CASPAR demonstration, please email mail@waves-group.co.uk or telephone our 24 hours response number +44 20 7083 7266.