Waves Group Climbs the Safety Culture Ladder with TenneT

November 27, 2018

We are delighted to announce that Waves Group has achieved Level 3 certification of the Safety Culture Ladder, following a detailed audit of our HSE culture and practices by LRQA.

The Safety Culture Ladder is a safety scheme originally developed by ProRail, an agency of the government in the Netherlands responsible for the maintenance and development of the national rail network. Since its inception, Safety Culture Ladder has made a significant contribution to improvements in the safety consciousness of the entire rail industry in Holland and across Europe. At its heart, is an understanding that to have a safety culture, an organisation needs to have awareness at all levels of its own contribution to safety. The Safety Culture Ladder offers a framework for safe working to all parties active on a project. There is no distinction between clients, contractors or suppliers which gives the feeling of safety being a collective responsibility. The audit does not focus on forms or processes but gets to the heart of the Company’s culture through a series of interviews of the staff, which is considered to be a better reflection of the true culture. Further information can be found at: http://www.veiligheidsladder.org/en/

As a leading European electricity transmission system operator, with operations in the Netherlands and in Germany, TenneT is implementing the Safety Culture Ladder throughout all its operations and its supply chain. As a supplier to TenneT for the development and construction of offshore renewable energy infrastructure, we are very pleased to be the first UK company to have successfully implemented the Safety Culture Ladder scheme.

Safety in the marine and offshore sectors is of paramount importance. The safety of people working on-site and offshore, in often hostile environments, and protection of the environment is central to our culture. We appreciate the work TenneT has done to further increase safety awareness and enhance the safety culture across the industry. We are very pleased to achieve this recognition and congratulate our team on reaching this significant achievement.