Waves Group 2019 Year in Review – Another Successful Year

January 15, 2020

2019 was a very busy and successful year for Waves Group. The year saw us extend our global reach with the opening of our Singapore office and expansion to our range of services.

We launched our Maritime Digitalisation Suite of services early in the year, which includes our Casualty Preliminary Assessment Report system – CASPAR, and 3D Data Acquisition capabilities. We also grew our ranks with the addition of three very experienced individuals in the roles of Master Mariner, Maritime Civil Engineer and Engineering Manager, to better serve the needs of our clients.

The year saw us secure a great variety of instructions, taking us from Russia to China, via West and South Africa, then to Australia, the America’s, the Arctic and eventually to the Caribbean.

We assisted with a significant number of casualties, conducted wreck removals in the harshest conditions, assessed pollution risks on ageing war wrecks, the latter with the aid of our 3D high-resolution visualisation software, and got involved in beach environmental risk mitigation and marine animal rescue following coastal pollution.

Our CASPAR system afforded our clients the opportunity of a rapid, appropriate and accurate response in the assessment of marine incidents, backed up with the support of our reconstructions using VDR, AIS, ECDIS and many other datasets. Our expertise in the use of “Big Data” has ensured our clients have critical information quickly to assess an incident or claim just minutes after occurrence, giving the opportunity to make more informed decisions. Our CASPAR system also offers the ability to assess historical data , which has thrown new light on older cases to our clients benefit this year.

Our 3D Data Acquisition capability enables us to give our clients a pictorial view of hard to reach salvage and wreck removal cases, using virtual reality to view life-size models of wrecks, whether above or below sea level – offering an increased certainty in damage, risk assessment and the next step.

Waves Group has also been incredibly busy within the energy and offshore sectors, working on many major, and minor, projects through the engineering arm of the business. Our team of Marine Warranty Surveyors (MWS) have been integral to the delivery of a greener, more sustainable environment. This has included working on offshore wind farms across Europe and Asia, such as Formosa Phase I, Horns Rev 3, Hornsea, Beatrice, Triton Knoll and Seamade, many of which are already generating power.

Beyond the glamour of casualty and energy work, we also supported projects ranging from flag state and vessel inspections, heavy-lifts, subsea cable damages, expert witness in criminal and civil matters, oil spill pollution response and the decommissioning of offshore platforms in the North Sea. Currently we are working with Trinity House in the decommissioning of the Royal Sovereign lighthouse.

In 2020, the company will be celebrating 15 years of assisting our clients. We are pleased to be celebrating this milestone and the trust and partnerships we have developed with all our clients over these years. We look forward to using our decades of knowledge and experience to make this year even better than the last.

Our commitment will always be to offer our clients the highest quality service and a rapid response to resolving casualty issues worldwide at a competitive price. We will continue to focus on building and maintaining relationships with our clients and further build on our service offering within this new decade.

Thank you to our partners, staff and clients for helping us achieve a successful 2019 we could not have done it without you.