Loss Prevention and Charterparty

We can carry out a range of surveys and inspections to help clients understand the present condition and status of a vessel. 


We provide a range of surveys to assist insurers (P&I and H&M), vessel owners or charterers, and help to confirm the condition, certification and management of the vessel and the consumables (e.g. fuel remaining on board).

We provide surveys for:

  • Pre-entry and renewal condition surveys for P&I insurers
  • Hull & Machinery condition surveys including Engine Room, Machinery and Bunker management and structural condition
  • On/Off-Hire surveys and  Industry Standard Inspections
  • Vessel and fleet management standards
  • Vessel suitability for a particular operation or project (see Marine Warranty Surveys)
  • Cargo condition and quantity on behalf of owners or charterers

We provide comprehensive reports and survey forms, either in the client’s format (e.g. P&I Clubs) or our own, which are tailored to the vessel and survey type.