Port Operations Analysis

The efficiency and safety of a port’s operations has a direct impact on its financial viability and future success. We provide specialist expertise to assist in the assessment of the capacity and utilisation of  different ports and terminals worldwide.

An assessment of the port capacity can be made by assessing terminal operational criteria such as operating hours, berth length and draft, storage yard area, cargo and storage types. By taking account of a variety of additional terminal components such as detailed berth and yard storage capacities, equipment handling capabilities, rail terminals, pipe and gate capacities, a more detailed assessment of the port capacity can be made. This can then assist with identifying options for increasing port utilisation and efficiency.

Navigational aspects can be incorporated to model vessel traffic flows to predict cargo throughput and berth utilisation, including the effects of proposed modifications such as new berths, channel widening, vessel types, navigation rules (e.g. one-way traffic), tug availability and similar.

We tailor the analysis approach to suit the port-specific requirements and assist in the development of conceptual designs and the completion of efficiency improvement studies. Assessments such as these can greatly assist in achieving a design where the range of port infrastructure operates optimally.

With the assistance of our multi-disciplinary team, we can identify options to improve or optimise the port operations by assessing:

  • The optimisation of the port layout to increase the storage capacity or improve traffic flow
  • Improvements to the yard operations to increase throughput capacity
  • The terminal operating system parameters to enhance equipment productivity
  • Navigational aspects and “wet” infrastructure to optimise berth utilisation