ECDIS Consultancy

ECDIS (Electronic Chart Data Information System) is essentially a digital means of navigating a vessel, replacing the use of traditional paper charts. ECDIS has been likened to “Google maps for ships” and represents a key milestone in the digitisation of shipping.

ECDIS use is now compulsory throughout much of the world’s merchant fleet. This has required navigators and ship’s Masters to very quickly develop whole new digital skill sets and new ways of working, often with only very limited training and guidance.

Incidents involving use of ECDIS are occurring, and very detailed specific system and procedural knowledge is required to really understand the important factors.

Waves Group have considerable experience of operating with ECDIS worldwide, including training and assessing experienced mariners in ECDIS use across a wide range of systems. This gives us a leading capability when dealing with incidents involving ECDIS as a causative factor, where mariners without strong digital navigation experience may be quickly lost.

Please contact to discuss how we can help with ECDIS and related consultancy and expert witness services.