Transport Analysis & Engineering

We provide marine transport solutions and engineering services for the transport of project cargoes, from cargo planning right through to detailed engineering and procedures. We develop practical transport solutions that are cost effective and designed to minimise the risk to the cargo. Whether it is the transport of a single high-value component or a mega-project involving the transport of multiple units from different sites, we provide the expertise to design the transport solution and develop the operational procedures. This includes all of the necessary analyses and practical considerations.

Whether it is the transport of a single high-value component or a mega-project involving the transport of multiple units from different sites, we provide the expertise to design the transport solution and develop the operational procedures. This includes all  the necessary analyses and practical considerations.

As well as providing transport engineering solutions, we are regularly engaged as Marine Warranty Surveyors (MWS) on project cargo transports. This first-hand experience of the insurer’s requirements is very beneficial for our work in developing transport engineering solutions, as we can apply the lessons learnt from a wide range of projects. Similarly, our experience of designing transport methods enhances our MWS capabilities by maintaining our experience of the “state-of-the-art”.

We deliver transport engineering, procedures, documentation and advice to support:

  • Heavy lift, semi-submersible and barge transports
  • Transhipments and multi-modal transports
  • Vessel/route selection and optimisation
  • Weather window and operability analysis
  • Vessel motions response analyses
  • Sea-fastening design
  • Cargo load-out and load-in, heavy lifts, skidded and trailered (SPMT) movements.