Third-party Verification

For many projects, the interested parties such as insurers, project stakeholders, regulatory bodies and financiers may require an independent third-party verification. This provides greater certainty and confidence in the proposed operations or calculation results. We regularly assist interested parties by reviewing documentation and calculations to verify the outcomes.

Third-party verifications can range from a high-level review of documents and procedures, to technical verification checks or a full replication of an analysis to validate a set of results or predictions.  The verification can cover technical and practical aspects, combined or independently, and can also include on-site audits or attendances of operations to verify performance.

We work with the project team, interested parties and stakeholders to gather the necessary information, set the terms of reference for the review, and then report the results.  We maintain open communications with the parties during the review (as appropriate) to ensure that it can be conducted constructively with the full engagement of the project developers.

Examples of third party verification projects that we have conducted include:

  • Renewable energy concepts including floating wind turbines and a range of tidal energy devices
  • Novel lifting devices to increase the operability of heavy-lift cranes
  • Barge/vessel deck strength and sea-fastenings
  • Offshore asset installation concepts
  • Transportation engineering and procedures
  • Vessel performance in sea trials (see case study)
  • Jack-up vessel performance in strong tidal current environments (see case study)