Technical Analysis

We support our incident investigation and expert services with detailed analysis to provide greater understating of the incident or issue, and to investigate alternative scenarios (the “what-if”).

In some cases, our expert practical opinion is often sufficient to understand the matter at hand and to assist in settling a claim.  However, many cases benefit from the use of technical analysis to support the practical opinion, and we regularly provide this combined service when assisting clients with incident investigations and claims.

Any analysis is only as good as its assumptions and inputs and we therefore, always consider our analysis results alongside the practical issues to provide a robust and defendable opinion on the matter.

We use a range of in-house and commercial tools to analyse incidents and support the investigation of causation and consequences. Where appropriate, we also develop bespoke tools to support the analysis, always seeking the most cost-effective analysis to support the investigation or project.

The typical technical analyses that we perform include:

  • Vessel stability and strength
  • Vessel performance and speed trial verification (speed and consumption)
  • Vessel manoeuvring and ship-handling
  • Vessel sea-keeping and motions
  • Cargo lashing and securing
  • Salvage and wreck removal operations, grounding and flooding
  • Vessel and offshore mooring systems
  • Structural failures, engineering and analysis
  • Electronic navigation data (VDR, AIS, ECDIS AND VTIS)
  • Vessel track reconstruction and animation
  • 3-D re-creation of incidents
  • Vessel ballasting and loading condition
  • Vessel impact analysis