Charterparty Disputes

We regularly assist with charter party and other contractual disputes, assisting owners and charterers to efficiently resolve these.  We have experience of unsafe port claims, cargo quality, damage and shortages, ocean routing disputes, cargo hold preparation and cleanliness, speed and consumption claims, cargo hold capacity and new-build specification issues.

Recognising the commercial pressures, we provide a scalable service in accordance with the size of the claim and we are happy to give quick advice in respect of the technical validity or strength of a claim.  If appropriate, we can then investigate thoroughly and provide an expert opinion.

We are regularly appointed on charter party or contractual disputes including:

  • Unsafe berth or port claims. Often following on from damage to fixed and floating objects (FFOD), we quickly advise on the merits of an unsafe berth/port claim during our initial attendance. In addition, with extensive port, navigational, pilotage and mooring experience, we advise on the full range of unsafe port issues, supporting our opinions with technical analysis
  • Cargo quality, damage and shortages. With experience of a wide range of cargoes, we advise interests on a range of cargo matters including, bulk cargo liquefaction, project cargo damages, short-loading/out-turn disputes, container damages and stack collapses, lashing and securing and a range of dry and liquid bulk cargo issues
  • Cargo hold preparation, cleanliness and capacity. With extensive experience (including command) of bulk carriers, we are regularly instructed to assist on matters relating to hold preparations, cleaning and capacity
  • Speed and consumption. We have extensive experience of both traditional speed and consumption claims analysis and with modern performance monitoring systems and regularly provide expert analysis of log-book data, met-ocean conditions and automated monitoring systems, including hull fouling issues
  • New-build disputes. Our Mariners, Engineers and Naval Architects advise on new-build matters such as terminal suitability, machinery performance, classification issues and vessel performance (guarantee speed)