Fixed and Floating Object (FFO) Damage

We are internationally recognised experts and trusted partners in the resolution of Fixed & Floating Object (FFO) incidents worldwide, providing total solutions for the shipping and port industries. Our maritime civil engineers have long track records in the development and operation of marine facilities of all types, including container terminals, oil & gas terminals, bulk terminals, marinas, fishing harbours, ferry terminals and offshore energy installations.


We advise insurers, lawyers, owners, charterers and ports on FFO, tailoring our service to the scale and nature of the incident. Our multi- disciplinary team is available 24/7 to respond at short notice to casualties and incidents worldwide.

Damage to fixed and floating objects can result in very large claims, often including significant repair and business interruption costs. Therefore, it is essential to have timely specialist advice on the nature and extent of the damage, likely repair costs and repair schedules. Our maritime civil engineers (supported by a range of in-house disciplines) specialise in the design, assessment and construction of ports, harbours and port equipment, with a combined industry experience involving facilities in over 100 countries.