Collisions & Groundings

We investigate marine incidents such as collisions and groundings on behalf of a vessel’s insurers, owners or other interests such as charterers or cargo. Our team will reliably provide technical support from the first response, right through to providing expert evidence.

Assistance For Collisions At Sea

Following an incident, we will assist immediately. We attend the vessel, establish the nature and extent of the casualty ,and provide the first feedback in terms of actions to mitigate losses and likely cost of the damages and marine repairs. At the same time, we will advise on salvage aspects (stability, strength, cargo issues) and gather evidence for incident investigation.  Our experienced team of master mariners, marine engineers, naval architects and marine civil engineers have the expertise to support and investigate a wide range of incidents. In particular, our services include:

  • Vessel navigation aspects (passage planning, Bridge Resource Management, pilotage)
  • Unsafe port and unsafe berth claims
  • All applicable aspects of regulatory compliance (e.g. ISM) and the actions of the Master
  • Analysis of electronic data including; AIS, ECDIS, VDR and VTIS
  • Replication of vessel tracks and events, including 3-D modelling and animations, and evidence overlays
  • Ship-handling and pilotage analysis
  • Analysis of the metrological conditions prevailing at the material time
  • Marine collision investigation, including speed and angle of blow investigations
  • Vessel damage surveys and repair cost estimates, including the investigation of CTL claims
  • The assessment of reef damage, including environmental reef surveys with a view to mitigating damage and claims
  • Pollution prevention and control, with the objective of minimising environmental damage and claims following an incident
  • Providing technical advice on salvage aspects including stability, structural integrity, loss mitigation

Collisions at sea are surprisingly common, and we can report the extent of damages in detail, together with estimates of repair costs, which we can then monitor to ensure that the costs are fair and reasonable. The investigation process requires careful evidence gathering to ensure that the cause can be accurately determined and that the costs and liabilities can be apportioned. Our multi-disciplinary team has extensive experience of this, including traditional paper and modern electronic forms of evidence. In addition, our commercial diving capabilities allow us to gather submerged evidence and perform underwater inspections.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us today with any queries on marine collisions, damage sustained from an unsafe port area, or circumstances of a vessel casualty.