Securing the future of Maritime – Waves Group Maritime Industry 2018 Internship: What our Interns had to say

September 25, 2018

Pictured from left Corrado Sciubba and Elizabeth Massie

According to the Lloyd’s Register, the Global Maritime Industry over the next ten years will experience an increase in demand for advanced engineering techniques, innovation and marine expertise. The sector has experienced significant growth due to the rise of emerging markets which has fueled the demand for more maritime services. This has had an impact on the marine industry and reinforced the need to increase manpower within the sector.

Historically, shipping has always been male dominated, and that tradition is ingrained within the industry.  The majority of the workforce is over 40 which is worrying given the increase in global trade. Reports from the IMO has shown that over 90 percent of global trade by volume and more than 70 percent of its value is now being carried on board ships and handled by seaports worldwide. Therefore, it is imperative that new talent is attracted to the industry.

Engineering and services companies such as Waves Group are driving forward key developments in marine casualty response, technological design and innovation and has seen the need to promote diversity. Following in the footsteps of the IMO with their “Women in Maritime” initiative, Waves Group has made a concerted effort to push its yearly Summer Internship programme to stimulate new talent and encourage more women to consider a career within maritime.

This year, we had two interns, Elizabeth Massie and Corrado Sciubba both of whom are at different stages in their university studies. Elizabeth is in her final year studying Systems Engineering. Corrado is just about to enter university this autumn and from his internship experience has decided to follow a study pathway into the maritime industry.

Both interns had a lot to say when we spoke with them last month.

WGHow did you find your time here at Waves Group?

Elizabeth “I have learnt a great deal and found the internship to be an invaluable experience. I had the opportunity to engage with industry specialists which offered a unique insight into the marine industry which I would not have learnt in the classroom”.

Corrado “Before working at Waves Group, I had no knowledge of the Marine Industry and its branches. The experience I have gained during the internship with Waves Group, has widened my knowledge of the Maritime Industry, given me a clear perspective of my future career and has also given me a strong advantage in applying for an apprenticeship at sea and employment within the industry after my studies”.

WGWhat was the highlight of your time here?

Elizabeth“I learnt to use a new software and was given a project which lasted the duration of the internship. What makes me feel accomplished, is to know that the work I have done is of direct benefit to the company and will continue to be built upon once I have left”.

Corrado“I had the opportunity to attend a Vessel Inspection on a Multi-Purpose Vessel berthed in Vlissingen Holland with my colleague Marine Engineer Naresh Sahajwala, for three days which was very exciting. I was also given the opportunity to attend the one-week OPITO Comprehensive Offshore Survival and Training Course”.

WGWhat are your plans for the future?

Elizabeth“I am looking forward to continuing my studies at university, using the new insights I have gained to inform the work I do and ultimately direct me towards a future career”.

Corrado “I am also looking forward to attend university in the autumn and based on my experiences here, I would like to follow a pathway leading into a future career at sea”.

We are happy that both interns enjoyed their time here at Waves Group and had very positive and fulfilling experiences. We are also glad that we were able to offer this opportunity which has had an impact on their future personal development and career choices. As an organisation, we are fully committed to ensuring the security of talent for the industry and believe in strengthening our workforce through our internship programme.

The maritime sector has a diverse range of career opportunities from marine engineers, naval architects, mariners and more. By 2020 the sector will be renowned for the quality and value for money of their high technology products, systems and services globally. It is our duty as industry leaders and professionals to educate the future generations.

If you would like to know more about our internship and career opportunities, please contact us.

Tel: +44 (0) 207 083 7266