Simon Burnay

Naval Architect :: Chief Executive Officer
Member of the Lloyd's SCR Panel
Salvage and Wreck Removal
Casualty Analysis and Investigation
Vessel Manoeuvering, Moorings and Terminals

Simon is a Naval Architect with a broad range of experience in the marine industry.  He is a Director of Waves Group, has been a technical advisor to national delegations and NGO’s at the IMO and has sat on various industry panels (including the SNAME H-10 Ship Controllability Panel on ship pilotage, manoeuvring and navigation).

He has extensive experience of marine casualties and incidents, and specialises in the analysis and investigation of them.  Simon has been involved in numerous salvage and wreck removal projects, providing technical assistance to both insurers and contractors on naval architecture, salvage engineering, incident management, tender reviews and technical and commercial risk assessments. He also has experience of the engineering aspects of decommissioning offshore assets.

He has submitted expert reports for the purpose of court hearings and arbitrations, and has given evidence in the UK (High Court) and overseas.  Simon is regularly instructed on a range of complex technical cases which include flooding, groundings, collisions, cargo damage (containers, liquefaction, securing), heavy-lifts, vessel stability and strength, moorings, interaction and ship manoeuvring, attending on site to establish cause, nature and extent through to giving evidence in hearings.

Simon has considerable experience with offshore marine operations and energy projects. He is experienced in marine warranty matters including oil, gas and renewable energy projects and has extensive experience of heavy marine transports and project cargoes.  Simon’s experience includes mooring systems, floating offshore assets (FPSO, FSRU etc), offshore installations, sea-fastening design and heavy lifts.

Simon also has extensive experience of the development of new ports and terminals, having undertaken numerous simulation studies and mooring analyses for port developments, in particular onshore and offshore LNG and oil terminals.

Telephone:: +44 20 7083 7266

Mobile:: +44 7855 420 057
