Atlantik Confidence – Expert Opinion


Off Oman

Project Description:

Investigation into the loss of the bulk carrier ATLANTIK CONFIDENCE following a fire in the engine room, on behalf of cargo underwriters.

Our Role:

Expert opinion on naval architecture aspects for the purposes of UK Admiralty Court proceedings, undertaking detailed analyses, providing expert reports and giving evidence in court.


  • Detailed investigation into the flooding of the vessel following the engine room fire and assessing the potential mechanisms for water ingress;
  • Working very closely with other technical disciplines (marine engineering, metallurgy, fire forensics) to review and analyse the vessel owner’s case on the cause of the loss;
  • Undertook detailed naval architecture analysis of the potential flooding sequences and the correlation with the available evidence.
  • Provided detailed expert reports on the naval architecture aspects of the case and giving evidence in the Admiralty Court (UK), which found in favour of cargo underwriters.